Thursday, August 18, 2011

Post-It Note Blitz

Post-It Note Blitz

If you are like me you are a bit timid and aren't prone to breaking out in lecture (or song if you are creative) about DTP in front of strangers. You like your privacy, but you feel that the public needs to know more about the diseases impact on the lives of patients around the world. So, what is a timid advocate to do? Well, look through your junk drawer or if you organized find your post it note pad and get to work. Write a short sentence about DTP and stick in a place visited frequently by other people. Ideas include public bathroom, on the back of a seat on the bus, on a table in a coffee shop, on the shelf below some baby food in the grocery store or on the scale in the produce department. Some place a person will see it. If you put it in the produce department you could write something about not being able to eat a the 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables recommended. Baby food section? How about "how expensive do you think it is to buy enough baby food to feed an adult?" You get the hint, right?

So, what are you action steps?
1) Gather post-it notes, pens, and ideas
2) Place them in various locations

You can do this everyday during DTP Awareness Week. Heck, you can do it everyday of the year if you want!

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